Whether your bathtub is falling apart or you just want a new style, Bathroom Excellence can take care of your bathtub replacement project.
You can call us for a new bathtub installation in St. Charles, MO and the Greater St. Louis Area. We have dozens of options to choose from that are beautiful, high-quality and come in all sizes and styles, whether you want a corner therapy tub or alcove tub.
Get the affordable, comfortable bathtub you want. Set up a bathtub replacement today.
Your old bathtub might still be useable. But you could enjoy bathing more than ever with a new bathtub installation. Consider a replacement when…
Your tub is old and falling apart
Your worn-out tub is bringing down the look of your bathroom
You want new features like safety bars or pressure-balanced faucets
1811 Sherman Dr
Suite 10
St Charles, MO 63303